Monday, November 12, 2007

A Vintage Recap...


Good Day.

I hope your wave is splashing as high as mine is today...vibrant, in nature. 8-1 brings a sensational feeling.

When the Vikings come to town, it is supposed to be difficult. No matter the record, normally, it is a battle. But, once again, this year is different. In Week 10, the Packers took a giant step in the right direction. Pure domination - In every facet of the game.

First, big props must be acknowledged and given to Atari Bigby and Brady Poppinga. The 3rd and 1 play on the opening possession spelled victory. Atari "Oh, Rasta" Bigby speaking his voice. Terrorized and scrutinized by the media for his immaturity. Yesterday, Ras Atari found redemption. And he found it at the line of scrimmage. The media took note. The camera man took note. The game producers took note. So, did AP.

Atari, you are Natty. You are Nappy. In the name of Jah, the G-Force and all else Holy, you provided AP with the Lambeau experience. Atari, it's worth noting that when the game went to halftime, the camera was on you. Cheers, Atari!

351. 3. 0. Darren Sharper - keep talking. Brett Favre - keep performing.

10. Koren Robinson and Ryan Grant leading the team with 5 catches. Greg Jennings, Donald Driver, Donald Lee, and Ruvell Martin each with 4. James Jones and Vernand Morency both grab 3. Brandon Jackson with 2. Korey Hall steps in with one as well. Spread the defense. Find the open man. It's like playing in the backyard.

119. Ryan Grant. Maybe the Packers do have a running game. Mad ups to Korey Hall who is performing better and better each week. The block that he threw to open up the 30 yard TD was a tutorial on how to open up a hole.

0. The Packers defense records their first shutout since 2002. They hold AP to 45 yards. KGB has 2 sacks. Jolly has one. Chuckie picks off another pass. Bigby forces a fumble. AJ making plays in space. Aaron Rouse with 4 tackles.

34. Favre throws 3. Martin catches 2. Lee catches 1. Grant runs for 1. Crosby kicks 2.

34-0. Mike McCarthy continues to grow as a Coach. When he went for it on 4th and 3 in the 1st Quarter, that was a statement. He made that decision with conviction. He believes in this group. He devised a game plan to attack the Vikings defense via the run early in the game. The run set up the pass. He attacked the edges of the line of scrimmage and he was triumphant. Defensively, the Packers were determined and the Vikings never stood a chance.

Each week - it is someone new...yet, everyone is doing their part. This is the '07 Packers. A United Team + A Faithful Fan Base = A G-Force.

This one was convincing. This one was vintage. And Ray Nitschke and Reggie White are "Shining From Heaven."

Leaping 4 Lambeau,

Talkin' S-Mac.

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