Thursday, November 8, 2007

My Take - Week 10

Greetings, G-Force.

7-1. As fans, we are flying to heights not traveled since the 90's. And I feel fuckin' epic, man!

Favre is stoked. Chuckie is making Heisman-esque plays. A-to-the-K is playing as though he is the elite DE in Football. Donald Driver, Greg Jennings and James Jones are reveling in the action of making plays for Favre. Donald Lee is playing his best football. Koren Robinson is showing an immediate impact. Ryan Grant is running for his football life. Oh, and AJ Hawk finally showed up for the '07 campaign.

It's taken 8 games, but I'm finally learning our identity. We are an excitable team that relishes the opportunity to play in an NFL game. But, we are young and make immature, inexcusable mistakes. Consistently, we find ways to let the opposition back into the game. Or we keep the opponents close through brainless penalties and blown assignments. In closing, we are athletic enough to win the close games in the closing moments.

These days, the NFL is becoming similar to the NBA. More often than not - contests are decided in the last 5 minutes. Thankfully, the Packers have GAMERS. Greg Jennings is a gamer. Charles Woodson is a gamer. Nick Barnett is a gamer. Aaron Kampman is a gamer. KGB is a gamer. Donald Driver is a gamer. And, in my mind, Favre is the greatest NFL gamer of my time.

This week - the Viqueens come to town. I have a philosophy. For those that joined the G-Force in the 80's, the Bears are the hated rival with the Viqueens as a close 2nd. For those that joined the G-Force in the 90's, the Viqueens carry the most hated title with the Bears as a close 2nd. Either way, the Viqueens are despised.

In some ways, Minnesota is limping into Lambeau. Sidney Rice has an aggravated hamstring. Bobby Wade has a hyperextended knee. Kelly Holcomb and Tavaris Jackson appear to be unable to play as well this weekend. However, in '07, for Minnesota, none of that matters. Adrian Peterson will be playing. A.P. is the real deal. To me, he is the best RB in the NFL. If he gets through the line of scrimmage, it's mighty difficult to tackle him. He is dynamic. He is electric. Even with immense disgust for the Viqueens, it's fun to watch A.P. The guy deserves respect. I'm going to give it to him. The Packers better do the same.

In Week 10, once again, the Packers jump out to the early lead. It's Favre. The surgeon. The general. Dissecting the defense. It's the start to another sublime performance for #4. Favre finds Jennings on the short post. Sharper is a step late. 7-0 Green Bay.

Minnesota will have some success moving the football. Brooks Bollinger is mobil enough to get outside the pocket and to make the play action rollout effective. Visanthe Shiancoe will move the chains on 2nd down receptions. A.P. will get his and I'm fine with that as long as he does not break the big one.

If I were the Packers Defensive Coordinator, I would start the game with only 7 in the box. I would play Bigby 8-10 yards deep and Rouse 10-15 yards deep. Losing Nick Collins is painful. While Collins has struggled to make the big play via the pass, he has been sufficient in run defense. His speed will be missed in our run defense. Therefore, I would take a more conservative approach. I would line up Poppinga right in the middle of Hutchinson and McKinnie and if Poppinga cannot perform in a game like this weekend, then he has no spot on the football team. He is supposed to be a natural born killer against the run. He is a maniac who runs with a vicious passion to find the football. Poppinga, this weekend, you better find A.P. at the line of scrimmage. You know that A.P. is running left. We have to know that he will eventually get loose, but let's keep those runs to 10-15 yards rather than the 40+ yard runs that we have seen this year. By keeping two safeties deep, I feel that the Packers will limit those runs. Plus, I feel that our front 7 matches up well with the Viqueens offensive front. It should also be noted that throughout his collegiate career, A.P. did put the ball on the turf on occasion. One guy stands him up...the other guy goes for the strip.

3rd and 7 for Minnesota. Here comes the turnover. In fact, throughout the game, the Packers force three turnovers.

In the end, it's too much Favre. It's too much Kampman pressuring Bollinger. KGB fights through McKinnie to pressure Bollinger. Barnett plays with passion. Jolly, Pickett, and Corey Williams keep holes plugged. We hold A.P. to 80 yards or less. Again, the Packers defense dominates and carries the Packers to victory.

This weekend, on Saturday Night, I am going to see Bob Sinclar at Mansion on Washington Ave. I will "Feel the Love Generation." I will "Give a Lil' Love" to the "Sound of Freedom." I will "Sing My Song" as I "Rock This Party." Gary Pine's Rasta Voice and Dub guitar will bring a beating heart to the lifeless Bigby. Pine will also bring a bubbly bounce to the nicked up Al Harris.

This will be the kind of victory that has Reggie White and Ray Nitchske "Shining From Heaven." "World Hold On." The Packers are 8-1.

Green Bay 23. Minnesota 13.

In unison, we all elevate...together...we are Family...we are Fans...we are Believers...we are G-Force!

Everybody's Movin'. Everybody's Groovin'. And in the words of Chris Berman, "with Brett Favre, everyday is Christmas."

Harness in the good energy,

Talkin' S-Mac.


  1. S-Mac, you had me a little worried I have been waiting for my weekly fix for a few days now. But greatness cannot be rushed, this I know, look no further than this years #4.

    On to this week. Let me just say I am a little worried, this week has all the makings of a stubbed toe in my opinion. I feel a win but I fear a loss.

    Let me start with the final and work through the logic. Pack 28 Queens 27. Another heart attack, another victory, another step towards home field in Dec.

    Farve has to be great again if we are to win, fortunately the Queens will give plenty of openings in the passing game. After a McCarthy tongue lashing this week the O-line comes ready to put on a show, this will not show up in the running game because we simply to not have the guards to move around the Williams in the middle and Grant will continually be forced to make a first move before he hits the line. The pass protection though will be solid and Farve will have time. We actually start this game a little different than the past few, we start with the deep 20+yard crossing routes, mix in an early screen or 2 and take a shot down early. I don't think we connect but it forces Shaper to keep his distance and opens up the underneath to D. Lee and J. Jones.

    We are going to need to keep moving the ball all game, even if we do not put up points each drive. Forcing the Vikes to sustain a drive is crucial because all Rouse and B. Popping Fresh will do all game is focus on AP. Hold him under 15+ yrd runs and force the Queens to move the ball elsewhere. If they can do that, hats off but I do not see it. Brooks will remember his loyalties are the WI and throw a few up for grabs. Also, not sure how many of you followed the Badgers with Brooks at the helm but he takes a lot of sacks. He will sit back and watch the pocket collapse. When he does roll out he will find that he does not have open receivers, will try to force it and will put some up for grabs. Don't look for these to equal turnovers early but they will factor in late and (as always) the D comes up with a 4th qtr turnover to secure the game.

    AP is the only thing the Queens have, if Collins were in we would assign him to AP same way we assigned him to Bush last year at home against the Saints. If you recall we held him to nothing all day through the air and on the ground. It worries me that the rook will be mostly assigned to him. As stiff as they say Rouse is he still moves better then Bibgy against the run. Popp had better prove his worth come Sun, you are spot on there. If he can make some noise in the 5-10yrd range and Rouse can clean up when AP slips through we are gold.

    As I write this I am actually getting more and more excited...the force is flowing up in Minneapolis right now...I will be sitting at home behind enemy lines come Sun...may the force be with me, and also with you.

  2. C-Hoops! Thanks for BRINGING IT! Love the take. Yeah, sorry for the delay! I've been the BuzzBoy this week.

    Early in the game, I would like to see I formation. Hall blocking for Grant. Donald Lee lined up on the left to Clifton. Jones split wide left. Driver, wide right, on the weak side of the field. The play appears to be designed as a stretch run left. However, it's play action. Favre to Driver on the weak side of the field. Quick slant. Sharper slides left as an added defender on the run, which leaves Driver in man to man coverage. Potentially, this is a 65 yard TD as Driver creates separation at the line of scrimmage. Favre hits Driver in stride. Watch out!

    As a whole, I expect to see the Packers try and spread the field. 4 wide. Mother Nature says that it will be a beautiful Autumn day at Lambeau. Favre in early November! This has the makings of another vintage performance. Can you say 300 and 2 TD's?

    Good Day,

    Talkin S-Mac.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. We saw what AJ does to elite running backs...Reference LJ.. AP will be no different...if he gets past our line..AJ will be waiting w/ open arms...and make no mistake- he will be twisting the knee while he tackles AP.. The guy can't help himself..just as Jim Sorgi. AJ and C-Wood will be the difference.. Roll pack.
