Monday, January 24, 2011

My Take -> NFC Championship In Review

Greetings, G-Force.

We came. We saw. We kicked ass! And forever, we carry around trump card in our back pocket. The 23rd of January in the Year 2011 is a date that we'll hold dearly for the rest of our lives. We deserve it. We earned it. Not surprisingly to Packers fans, we almost did ourselves a disservice by knocking Ray Nutler out of the game. Without Nutler, the Bears found an offensive spark and nearly made a comeback for the ages. However, Sammy Swagga was there to save the day. And, in the end, the video shows Bears fans burning Ray Nutler jerseys. The image will be etched in my mind forever. 2010 is the year in which we put the final nail in the coffin in Wade Phillips career in Dallas, Brad Childress' career in Minnesota & finally, we have permanently destroyed the relationship between Bears fans & Ray Nutler. Beauty!

In case you did not notice, with authority, the point was proven: THE BEARS STILL SUCK!

The Ted Thompson, Mike McCarthy & Dom Capers combination has brought the Green Bay Packers to the Super Bowl. Where we belong. The Packers are in the Super Bowl despite leading the league with 15 players on IR. Despite a #6 seed in the playoffs. The Packers beat the #'s 1, 2 & 3 seeds in the NFC. All on the road. Mostly, in convincing fashion. Tremendous.

Whether it's the Claymaker, Sir Charles, Nintendo Nick, T-Mon, Desmond Bishop, BJ Raji, or Sammy Swagga, we have players on defense that can change games on any given play. All have done so in the 2010 Season. This list doesn't include Charlie Peprah who made the enormous pick in Week 17. It doesn't include Erik Walden who was the Week 17 Defensive Player of the Week. It doesn't include Cullen Jenkins who was arguably our most dominant defender in the NFC Championship. It doesn't include AJ Hawk who is playing his steadiest football in his 5 year career.

Small Observations:

Sammy Swagga doing his best Deion Sanders impersonation. Dance Sammy, dance. Dance, I say... After the draft in April, Joe Whitt made a comment that he thought the Packers got the best CB in the draft in the undrafted FA, Sammy Swagga. While McCourty might have something to say about that, Whitt might be right.

BJ Raji is bouncing like a G6! Boogie Down, Freezer! For the 2nd week in a row, the Freezer was seen celebrating in the end zone!

Where is there a bigger QB Controversy: Chicago or Minnesota?

Thought McCarthy's play-calling weakened post the Urlacher interception. Became too conservative as the Bears defense intensified.

Erik Walden can play in this league. Kevin Greene has done wonders with him. When he went out, our defense was not the same. I thought Francois played with great effort, but the results were not the same.

Really like the delayed draw to Starks. Thought Starks played another solid game as he fought for tough yards.

While Ray Nutler was on the sideline with a mysterious injury, Aaron Rodgers was busy taking headshots from Julius Peppers while leading the Packers to victory.

For anyone who does not think Greg Jennings is a #1 WR, I completely disagree.

For anyone who thinks Desmond Bishop is too stiff, I completely disagree. In fact, Bishop continues to elevate into one of my favorite players on the team.

B-Jack making Urlacher miss in the open field.

For a long time, I've wanted the Packers to look into a 3rd down back. Little did I know that his name would be John Kuhn. Not the scat back I envisioned, but he knows football. Finds the marker. Fights for yards. Great hands. Blocks well. KKKKUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNN!

While Sammy Swagga & Tim Masthay were co-MVP's in my mind, the best player on the field was Cullen Jenkins. Would love to lock him up. Wish he'd take a discount to be a part of this team. Or, I wish Pickett would give some money back to keep this DL together. The Jenkins/Raji combination is lethal.

BJ RAJI! Biggest play of the NFC Championship. His post-season response: "I'm blessed to be a Green Bay Packer."

Sir Charles' mantle: Heisman Trophy. National Championship. Defensive Rookie of the Year. AFC Championship. Defensive MVP. NFC Championship. Missing one thing & it's coming in 2 weeks!

If Chad Clifton didn't go down with injury, which clearly disrupted our offensive tempo, there is no telling what the final score might have been. Though Clifton came back, our rhythm was not the same.

Tim Masthay. Having a great punter is an absolute weapon!

J-Bush playing at a high level as a special teams gunner! Masthay to Bush was a great connection.

Clay Matthews III. Another day in the life. Vicious approach to the game. Total stallion.

If I'm Mike McCarthy, after we win the Super Bowl, I'm calling a meeting between Mark Murphy, Ted Thompson, McCarthy himself, Dom Capers & Russ Ball. In the meeting, we're going to negotiate a long term contract for Dom Capers. Give the guy what he wants. Regardless of how much he wants.

Aaron Rodgers beats Urlacher to the corner on a scramble for a 1st down. Then, he takes Urlacher down post the interception. A play we'll remember forever.

In case you forgot, Bears fans were burning Ray Nutler jerseys in the parking lot post the NFC Championship.

The year of revenge continues: Brett Favre is behind us. So are the Giants in response to '07. Bye-bye to the Bears after winning the NFC North. Hasta la vista Mike Vick & the memory of '02. The same to the Vikings. And to the Eagles & the ugly memories of '03. Next - it's the Ste"a"lers as they have attempted to steal our "Titletown" nickname.

Another things worth mentioning: The Bears still suck!

Damn it feels good to be a Packer fan. The Lombardi Trophy is coming home. In the words of Sir Charles, "White House on Three!" Let's do this!

Go Pack Go!

Talkin' S-Mac.

1 comment:

  1. okay, another year of Mac's 16-0 predictions suddenly becomes 19-0 prediction, and assuming he goes all the way on this one, a SuperBowl route of Pittsbogg! His unparalled optimism (not to mention his pre- and post-game analysis) is nevertheless right on track with the 2010-11 Pack. Thanks for again for the infortainment, See you in Dallas (in mind and spirit), and i'll leave the year with a pat-on-my-back for the ever-so predictable prediction of the year - i.e., Fevre's 2010 comeback and the end of his streak. Little did i know, however, that 2010 would also transform whatever his Legacy into his Jenngacy
