Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My Take -> Week 10

Greetings, G-Force.

Hey Jerry Jones, How 'bout dem Packers? Hope you enjoyed your trip back to America's Dairyland, Jerry.

Greatness is found in the ability to overcome problematic circumstances. It requires a strong-willed mind. Vince Lombardi often stated that "adversity not only tests the character of a man, but it builds it." Over the last 3 years, the Mike McCarthy led Packers have dealt with overwhelming - almost unprecedented - obstacles. Thus far, we're flourishing. At 6-3, the Packers not only have sole possession of 1st place in the NFC North, but as we head into the bye, we also control our own destiny with regards to home field advantage throughout the playoffs. I'm not getting ahead of myself as I'm aware that there are 7 weeks left, however when you consider that we still have dates with the Giants & the Falcons, the NFC is ours to lose. Considering the heavy amount of injuries that we've encountered, I offer a standing ovation to Ted Thompson, Mike McCarthy, his staff and the Players within the locker room. Your contributions are absolutely recognized! And appreciated. Keep up the good work, men.

It's a true treat to defeat the NFL's evil empire. It's even more elegant when it's on National TV and when the final score is an absolute massacre, which is the final straw in the Wade Phillips era. We completely destroyed the Cowboys in every facet of the game.

It was great to see Aaron Rodgers in rhythm. Undoubtedly, it was his best game of the year. He was both patient & accurate. But, more so, he was intelligent. He stepped up in the pocket. He chose his running opportunities carefully. He was the master of Sunday Night Football.

Clay Matthews = Defensive MVP. It's not even close. He's a legit playmaker - even when he is either double or triple teamed. He fights with magnificent courage. He's an absolute difference maker. He's undoubtedly the biggest defensive game changer in the National Football League. And - the best part - he makes big plays at key moments. Not since Reggie White have we had a closer. Clay Matthews finishes games.

It's been exciting to see Sir Charles making plays over the last 2 weeks. Notching his first sack and his third forced fumble of the season. It's also noteworthy that Woodson is 7.5 sacks & 3 interceptions away from the exceptional 50 interception, 20 sack club. We need another 2-3 sacks out of Woodson this year as we consistently search for additional ways to pressure the QB.

When Aaron Rodgers & Greg Jennings are mentally united, they are among the elite passing combinations in the league. Jennings in the end zone provides a pleasant buzz.

Nintendo Nick finding paydirt!

Yes, it's nice to have your superstars playing like superstars. But, the true delight was the play of Sammy Swagga, B-Jack, James Jones, Desmond Bishop, the entire OL, and J-Bush. Sammy Swagga was the MVP of the game. His HUGE interception set the tone. His KO Return offers hope for the future. B-Jack running with conviction. I like the pitch to him. Allows him to run with patience and our guards are continuously opening up the cut-back. James Jones eclipsing 100 yards for the 2nd time in 3 games. Desmond Bishop punishing the QB! J-Bush ripping the ball loose, which leads to 6 points.

It was also nice to see the referees show favoritism to the Packers on a couple of plays.

Suddenly, the OL is dominant. Getting a push. Protecting the QB. Winning the line of scrimmage with a tenacious feel. I've been impressed with the interior of the our line. Colledge, Wells & Sitton have played with strong continuity. On the outside, Clifton & Bulaga have been walls. Clifton is playing as well if not better than he's played since his injury at Tampa Bay. Bulaga continues to show his worth - the kid is a fighter.

Also, on the DL, we continue to show maturation & progression. We're well coached. CJ Wilson is a high energy player with a future in this league. Howard Green, BJ Raji & Ryan Pickett lean on you. Plus, Raji's quickness dominates each & every week. Above it all, Cullen Jenkins is arguably our best DL.

Good to see Ras-A-tari back.

Looking forward to seeing James Starks in the coming weeks. Wondering if he might be a KO Return option as well.

Once again, both the Z-Man & AJ Hawk were sound. It was Hawk's deflection that allowed us to see the Claymaker's 1st Lambeau Leap.

Dear Ras Al, you'll be missed. You've been a fan favorite for the last 8 years. No doubt that you'll eventually be enshrined into the Packers Hall of Fame. Thanks for the memories, Ras Al. I sincerely wish you the best. Further, I am stoked to be in attendance as you take on the Bears next week on Thursday Night Football. I promise to elevate on 3rd down to help make difficult for the hated Bears. Thanks for conducting yourself with class. 'Nuff Respect, Ras Al! You'll be missed.

Now, Ted Thompson, I beg of you. We've let go of a fan favorite. I trust that it's the best decision, Ted. But, let's ensure that T-Mon & Jenkins are locked up. Further, it's time to talk to Desmond Bishop as well. Let's get the discussions going. He has flourished in the 3-4 system. Let's communicate with him. He brings a unique dimension to our defense.

I've said it before and I've felt like I've been on an island. But, I'll say it again: I believe in the combination of Ted Thompson & Mike McCarthy. I seriously feel that this could be a Super tandem.

After 9 games, we have forced 19 turnovers & have accumulated 28 sacks. Let the race to the 40/40 club continue. Must continue to force turnovers in November & December as the weather turns.

Maybe I'm stating the obvious, but if this team doesn't turn the ball over & doesn't lose games on special teams, we are capable of having a special season.

Over the bye week, I would like to see two things:

1.) Get healthy.
2.) Find additional ways to get CM3 free. Is Bishop a solution at OLB on 3rd down? Drop AJ & Chillar into coverage. Rush Bishop & Clay. I'd like to see more of Bishop lining up next to the Z-Man as well. Stack the right side of the DL with the Z-Man, Bishop & Jenkins. Therefore, it'd limit the amount of double teams that the future Defensive MVP receives.

6-3. 1st place in the Division. Feelin' Fine.

Go Pack Go!

Talkin' S-Mac.

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