Saturday, August 22, 2009

My Take -> Preseason Game #2

Greetings, G-Force.

A morning sunrise. Witnessing prostitutes strolling Washington Ave at 6:40am. A cup of Daz Bog Organic KG Blend coffee. 5 hours of sleep on a Friday night. And, yes, it's intentional. Well, to me, that's football season. Cherish your day, while living emphatically for the pigskin.

I got in an elevator yesterday. Met a 60 year old Cuban lady. We bantered briefly. I asked her plans for the weekend. She asked mine. I told her that I was going to the Dolphins game with my wife on Saturday night. Her response, "I looked across the street the other day and I saw the Palm trees moving with the wind. And I thought, boy, this is fall and this is football season." Epic.

It's early in the season. Really early. Too soon to make judgments. But, I offer you this: after one full week in the preseason, has anyone looked better than the Green Bay Packers? We shut out the opposition. Our 1st unit scored TD's on our only two possessions. Sublimely performed.

Was it just me or were Desmond Bishop and Jarius Wynn the two best players on the field after the 1st Quarter? Bishop was a man amongst men. Wynn overpowered the 2nd unit of the Browns OL. I will have my eyes on Wynn when I watch the replay of tonight's match-up tomorrow.

Tonight will pose a higher level of competition for the Packers. The Bills are an aggressive defense, which will test the strength of our OL, especially at the RT position. I still have heavy concerns about our ability to protect UNO-DOS!'s right side. Tonight is a game in which I can gain confidence. The Bills pride themselves on physicality. The Packers claim to be more physical in '09 than we were in '08. We'll get a glimpse of that tonight.

I also found the depth upgrades I was seeking in Sutton, Lumpkin, Obiozor, Lansanah, the U-HAUL, Lang, and Hartline.

If J-Mike learns to step out of tackles, he'll have Pro Bowl potential. Literally. However, thus far, he's had Darrell Thompson syndrome while running in the open field. I'm not positive that he'd be able to walk through the woods without tripping.

Tonight - I look for the Packers to come out aggressive. Using the running game to attack the Bill defense. Ryan Grant was extremely impressive against the Browns. I expect to see more of the same against Buffalo. And then, it's play action to Greg Jennings for a HR ball.

If healthy, our 1st team offense is unstoppable.

Defensively, I'm curious to see where Raji fits in with the 1st unit and how much he plays. One down is an upgrade over what I was anticipating a week ago. I'd rest Mr. Charles Woodson and Ras-Al again this week. I want them both to be 100% come week 1.

Man, I dislike our back-up QB spot. Can we please bring in Brian Griese? I'd trade Brohm for a 6th round pick. Flynn can be the 3rd stringer. He's not ready to come into a game in relief and pull out a victory. Not close. Something must be done.

I'm worried about CM3 & Jeremy Thompson. The heart of our defense will be our LB play. If neither of them are able to play within a week, we could be in jeopardy of losing significant production from them this year. Tonight, Obiozor continues to play with confidence and use the enhanced playing time to his advantage. He pursues with passion. He drops with decency. And tonight, he's involved in a big turnover.

Surprising to me, it's Sutton - not Lumpkin - who steals the show once again in the 4th Quarter. This time, he finds the end zone. And the Packers are once again victorious.

For this in attendance, now is a time for the G-Force to unite with strength! After all, positive and communal social living is the best. Go Pack Go!

Vibe On.

Talkin' S-Mac.

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