Friday, June 5, 2009

'09 vibes!

Greetings, G-Force.

Pardon me, but I have to ask the question that I seem to ask each year - why isn't LeRoy Butler a Hall of Famer? Sorry - I had to get that out of my system.

The excitement of the '09 Season is upon us. It makes me happy. Blow out the candles from the pathetic '08 Season. Consider it a learning experience. Remember that the G-Force and the Packers are united. Still friends. We need each other. Forever.

A new season brings renewed optimism. Hope of an optimistic future. A riveting NFL Draft offers the prospects of a promising '08 campaign. Ted Thompson's aggressiveness illustrated a compelling sense of urgency within the organization. Now, it's time to get to business.

Admittedly, I love Greg Bedard's blogs at He offers a lot of what I've tried to bring to the table. It's a refreshing perspective. It's not bland rubbish that takes up internet space. It's educational. It's attractive. It's allowed me to enjoy following the coverage of the Packers thus far this offseason. There seems to be a continued sense of joy from upper management. I've seen pictures of Ted Thompson smiling. I've read notes of Thompson signing autographs and shaking hands. It's almost strange to read, hear and see these things. I like it. Operationally, we seem to have a new aura.

Now, it's time for our LEADERS to step up! Donald Driver needs to drop the contract talk. Cut the crap. Your time is now. The organization has been good to you. It's been a mutually beneficial, loyal relationship. Don't start now.

Hey Ted! Sign Collins and Jennings. Now. They are big pieces of our future.

What are we doing with AK-74? I mean, really. Really? Really! What are we doing? He won't be able to drop into coverage. He does not appear to buy in. This is problematic. Put his hand in the dirt. Tell him to get after it. You can't measure his heart.

I remain stuck on following the OLB positions on our defense. I truly believe that every other position on the roster - with the exception of RT - is figured out. I'm not surprised that Jeremy Thompson is the starting ROLB at this point. To a degree, he knows the system as he played in a similar one in college. While he played in a 4-3 in college, he was required to drop in coverage. Instinctively, it's probably his most natural position, but I think it's wishful thinking to believe that he can be a 7 sack guy, much less a 10-13 sack player. The 3-4 demands pressure from the OLB spot. 3-5 sacks from an OLB spot does not cut it. Yes, it's probably CM3's spot to lose, but I'm curious to see what this says about Cyril Obiozor. CM3 and Brad Jones have both been limited due to injury and Thompson is ranked ahead of Obiozor. For now.

Each year - it's fun to tag along and watch every move of an undrafted or late round pick. My late round picks that I'm excited about this year are the "U-HAUL" and Brad Jones. I expect both to make the team and I anticipate big things out of them during the pre-season.

As for undrafted FA's, I'm all over Cyril Obiozor. I'm excited to see, not only what he looks like in Green & Gold, but also, what does he bring to the table. He comes on recommendation from Mike Sherman. My gut tells me that Sherman wants the best for the Packers organization. He has good OLB size. He also possesses some 3-4 familiarity. I'm hoping he'll be the surprise the camp.

CM3's injury concerns me. Never like to hear about hammy injuries.

Keep Raji away from Harrell.

Julius Peppers remains unsigned. AK-74 is uncomfortable. Could there be something in the works?

What about Greg Ellis? He's played in the 3-4. He has over 20 sacks over the last 2 years. Ah, Ted, give him a call!

Live in the excitement of NOW. The future appears beautiful. But, we need a little tinkering though and it starts at OLB. We have a youthful energy that appears ready to bloom. A GM showing personality. Competitive position battles are commencing. The zest of the '09 Season is upon us.

Bring It.

Oh yeah, and LeRoy 4 Canton!


Talkin' S-Mac.

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