Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Verdict's Released

Greetings, G-Force.

No more propaganda. No more false jargon being passed on from media puppet to Packer fanatic. No more assumptions. Thankfully, we FINALLY have the details.

For years, we have heard the "Ted Thompson is running Brett Favre out of Green Bay" statement. For years, I believed it. Yeah, we'd read assurances that during the off-season Thompson would phone Favre and encourage him to remain a Packer. Strangely, this year, this topic became a headline. And Ted Thompson was wrongly accused.

Ted Thompson was not pushing Brett Favre out of Green Bay. Ted Thompson was not forcing Brett Favre out of Green Bay. Sadly, Brett Favre is doing it to himself.

Over the last couple of days, we've read the story. It's no longer tabloid. Instead, it's fact. I'm not going to rehash the story as I trust you've read/heard/seen it, but I will say that Brett Favre has disappointed me.

I, wholeheartedly, believe that the Green Bay Packers are in good hands with Ted Thompson. I've often wondered whether the Packers best interests were in the best interests of Ted Thompson or whether Thompson wanted to do it "his" way.

I was wrong.

Thompson wants to win. And one thing is absolutely evident: Ted Thompson, Mike McCarthy, and Scott McKenna all want Brett Favre to be the Packers starting QB when we host the Vikings on MNF in Week 1. And we want him 100% committed. Anything less is not going to suffice. In fact, I still want the 2-year commitment.

Ted Thompson, I trust you. I trust you as a businessman. I trust you as a scout. I trust you as a GM. I trust you as the builder and architect of the future of the Green Bay Packers.

Ted Thompson, this has been the most difficult off-season of your life. Arguably, it's been the most difficult off-season that any GM has encountered in the history of the greatest franchise in sports. And Ted, as the dust is settling, in the eyes of a die hard Brett Favre fan, you are coming out smelling like roses. You've convinced me that you want Brett back. If Brett cannot realize the same, shame on him.

We are less than 2 weeks away from the start of training camp. We're loaded with distractions and Ted, you've done your part to silence the critics. You handled yourself with class in what was a no-win situation. I'm thankful to have you, Ted, as the constructor of our future.

Brett, for the better part of 2 decades, I've hung onto your every step. I've lived for each down. I've enjoyed each interview. I've watched with with admiration. Brett, you are my idol. You remain my idol. But, Brett, it's time to make a choice and you have two options:

1.) Retire. Leave now. Ride off into the sunset as arguably the greatest football player to have ever lived.

2.) Come back. Give it another run as the Leader of the Pack. They can say all they want about you being #2, but everyone knows that when we come out of the huddle, you are our Leader. If #4 is on the roster, #4 will determine our success. Give us commitment. Wins will follow.

It's less than a month until the pre-season opener.



Talkin' S-Mac.


  1. April 21, 1993 - The San Francisco 49ers trade the 36-year old Joe Montana, safety David Whitmore, and a third round selection in '94 for the Chiefs' first round pick in 1993, number 18 overall.

    Several years earlier, a young Stack writes a letter to former Cleveland great Otto Graham, asking for an autograph while outlining his feelings on the Packers' quarterback at the time, Don Majkowski. The Hall of Fame Brown wrote back, a full handwritten page of his thoughts on what it meant to be a good fan. "Root for the man, too," was the message that I took from his writing.

    He signed my card and wished me luck.

    I've always borne that in mind when following sports and athletes. A lot of guys show up every year in Green and Gold. Some of them I can get behind, but for those that I never warm up to, as a fan I try to always give them benefit of the doubt as a place to start. As I've gotten older, I've placed a little more importance on guys that I can get behind.

    Favre was one of those guys for me. Untill now.

    Pulling two excerpts from an article I read here:

    "In the interview, Favre said the Packers were being dishonest, although the excerpt provided to AP did not offer specific instances Favre was challenging."

    "If you move on, you tell me one thing, don't come back and tell the public ... just say it, 'You know, we've moved on and we'll work with Brett on whatever it is,"' Favre said. "Don't make up a lot of stuff or give half of the truth."

    Who's giving half the truth? Who's got five unofficial spokespeople? And what is he even trying to say?

    Vague to the point of losing meaning = BS, in my opinion.

    I'm glad Chico made the corporate analogy, because I thought about it when I was scrubbing shampoo into my hair the other day. This is disgruntled employee 101. This is exactly what they would do to you if you started flaking out at work. They'd show you the documented timeline with their recorded actions in regard to you. And when you ask for something, in this case to be released, they would tell you to take the first official step in that process, i.e. apply for reinstatement with the league.

    And you go on the air and accuse the organization of "dishonesty" and you offer no concrete examples to back up your claims? Upon what are you basing your complaints? The organization makes it's timeline public, and you have nothing specific at which to point...hmmm.

    I can't get behind that. Ted Thompson - under the bus. McCarthy - under the bus. Green Bay Packers - under the bus. So what specifically is wrong? Well, you know...(insert cryptic Favre-speak here). I can't root for that.

    I'm done with it. I'd trade him outside of the division for a 2. I'd trade him to a team that has the number 4 retired if I could.

    I'd like to suggest to all who are able, please find yourself a copy of America's Game and watch the episodes on the 1966 Packers and the 1967 Packers. It puts the emotion and complexity of our current situation into a perspective that any of us would struggle to capture.

    The nature of the relationship between player and franchise is such that a great player, a great man adds his legacy to that of the franchise, but the man who falters takes away only from himself. No single man is bigger than the team, nor the game, nor the Midwestern town, no matter how small.

  2. Favre for so many years presented himself as the consummate team player. In interviews he often emphasized the point that wins are the ultimate acheivement. From 1992, "If I throw for 30% and we win the ballgame then great I can care less but if throw for 90% and lose which one would you rather have, me I'd rather have the 30% and win"

    This spirit carried on throughout his career. In many ways he was regarded as the model for a humble, selfless, hardworking leader. Even after breaking many of the NFL's throwing records he emphasized that he appreciatied the recognition but was more interested in the wins his teams accumulated and the great people he's played with than the personal acheivements.

    On the flip side, this is also the man who reportedly (I haven't witnessed this first hand) had his own dressing room, parking spot, and vehicle entrance. I'm not aware of many other professional athletes in team sports with such ammenities. This also seems to be an interesting glimpse into the Favre dichotomies.

    Somehow, he doesn't feel wanted. Even though he has a street named after him and probably countless children and pets too. Grown men cried when he retired and for years people begged him not to go. Hundreds of people have been picketing on his behalf at Lambeau and many more plan to tomorrow at the Wisconsin State Fair.

    In my opinion, it is not in the team's best interest to let the organization managed by such wishy washy behavior. Can you imagine, "GM Favre you're on the board for the Packers first pick"

    "Lets take him, no him, errr him, no him"

    "The Packers are on the clock"

    "OK, I'll take..."

    Years later:
    "So Brett, what did you see in...?"

    "Well, the NFL made me do it, they didn't give me enough time to decide"


    "It was the timekeepers fault I threw that ball to Corey Webster, I wasn't ready to decide where to throw and I felt too much pressure"

    I never thought I'd be talking about Favre this way but dude really needs to grow up.

  3. After watching the interview tonight, I suggest Thompson, McCarthy, Favre & Cook sit at a conference table together. As men. Discuss professionalism. And for once and for all, let's get Brett Favre back in training camp to lead the Packers in 2008.

    Put away the tissue. Take off the diapers. It's time to act as grown men and get down to business.

    We'll all be happier with #4 leading us out of the tunnel.

  4. The Myth of Brett Favre

    Of course, I watched the interview last night. I read excerpts from the transcipt beforehand, which was what lead to alot of my original post under this heading. Watching the interview has changed my opinion somewhat. Not necessarily for the better or the worse, rather, I think I understand something a little bit more.

    Brett Favre is making his own story. I don't mean that he's making this a story, I don't mean that he's telling his side of the story, I mean that he is living his story right now. I think this is always what he wanted.

    The idea of conflict and struggle has always been around Favre. The drinking, the painkillers, Sterling Sharpe, the broken thumb, the bad decisions, Javon Walker, "will he or won't he" year after year, Big Irv, Randy Moss, and now this. Should we be surprised? I think he is dependent on adversity. And where there is no adversity, perhaps, Favre will bring it. Like throwing the football into the lap of Brian Urlacher when there is no receiver in sight.

    We went 13-3 last year with the youngest team in the NFL. In the face of succes, who or what is there for Brett to struggle against? Ted Thompson. Over being "dishonest" about Randy Moss a year ago. Over not saying "Brett come on back" more than once.

    Maybe he's struggling with his own football shelf life. One thing is for sure, Brett is making TT the scapegoat.

    So as the prodigal son struggles with his return, he makes his problem everyone's problem.

    I'm not convinced I need that running out of the tunnel.

  5. I watched the interview as well. Why Brett chose Fox (Is Favre a Republican??)and Greta (other than she is from Appleton and probably would only ask the questions Favre wanted) is beyond me.

    I agree with Scott that is time to act like professionals. It is in everyone's best interest for Favre to be wearing #4 in green and gold.

    That being said I think Favre needs to come back and earn the position of starting QB, which will happen against a young Rogers. More importantly it seems one issue is being overlooked. As we know, Rogers has been prone to injuries. Favre is 38 and is an iron man, concussions and other injuries are possible. We have two complete rookies behind Rogers. Would it not be in our best interest to have a veteran on the team? Why not give Favre the starting nod (after he proves his condition) and let him play until he either can't, until he screws up or more likely until he wins the Superbowl.

    It all seems so simple, I dont know why they all seem to be acting like two year olds. I just dont know if we can all come back together as a happy and successful team.

  6. Thanks guys good read,I don't think that I can get as much good information and opinions from the national media, especially on where G/G Fans stand on the situation.

    I am going to withhold a personal take on this...but it certainly is an interesting story.

  7. ...though I wouldn't mind hearing Aaron Rodgers take on this whole thing.

  8. I just read a journal times story that included at chmura take that favre is the most selfish person that he ever knew. I also saw a post on here that favre was getting his own parking spot etc.. but if we were the king on the packers jungle wouldn't we be a little egotistical? I mean all starting qb's are arrogant and think they are above everything..Favre is no different. I agree that both sides are in the wrong here.. Favre's story makes sense and yet has it's flaws... bottom line is I would absolutely take him back in a heartbeat. Either way, this needs to be settled very quickly as the core of our success last year, g-force is being divided. It makes me sick to see what some fans are writing in regards to favre and the packers in general. I am sitting in limbo as to how to approach this season...both favre and the packers feel like I am getting back w/ my ex who cheated on me.

    On another note...he is on the cover of madden.. not good.

  9. This all feels like a bad dream - wake me up when its over. Unless of course our unsettled hero ends up somewhere in the division - then just let me keep sleeping. I'm beginning to succumb to Favre-itis - I can't decide what the best thing to do is. In weighing the options:

    1) Release him

    Pros- quickly remove a distraction from the team's physical presence, establish paradigm that TT/MM lead the team, end the immediate drama, please Brett (supposedly), free up cap space, beyond that ???????

    Cons- could head to division rival/lose control of where he plays unless there were conditions (it's doubtful the honor system would hold at this point though), upset fans and shareholders, added pressure on Rodgers, prone to heavy media scrutiny, upset former teammates, rallying point for Favre to prove himself on another team, no return on valuable asset.

    Conclusion- definitely not a viable option.

    2) Trade him

    Pros- receive something in return, select where he plays, free cap space, physcially remove potential lockeroom carcinogen, greater level of acceptance in media/fans/clubhouse due to sensitivity.

    Cons- trade value?, prolonged drama until a deal is reached, upset fans, may need to face him as an opponent.

    Conclusion- better option than releasing.

    3) Keep him

    Pros- strengthens roster, increases competition, depth, many happy Packer faithful, absolves Packers of future mis-handling accusations, best chance at Super Bowl (?), Favre retires as a Packer, less impact on legacy if all goes well, peaceful resolution, don't have to compete against him, jersey sales, probably increases team revenue.

    Cons- Aaron Rodgers frustrated (probably), prolonged media micro/dissecting-scope, when does it end?, salary cap, empowers childish (my opinion) behavior, potential for divided locker room, do we need to name him GM too?

    Conclusion- most risk associated with this option, could be the best outcome or the worst.

    4) Stay retired

    Pros- able to refocus on present moment, retires as a Packer...amen

    Cons- Tainted love.

    Conclusion- Most favorable for the out of sight out of mind type.

    In reality, even after this quick brainstorming I still feel confused. I'm sure I overlooked important considerations but trying to methodically and logically decide what I'd do if I were TT.

    In an ideal world, Favre would be in GB again, the team wins a Super Bowl, all parties dissolve their egos and kiss and make up, Favre retires as a Packer, and Rodgers and Brohm develop as able qb's.

    BTW - wake me up before this happens.

  10. Vargas, your comment about Brett being selfish is something i have heard a few times, and in last night's interview (Part 2) he demonstrated this. When Brett said that this has nothing to do with Aaron Rodgers, i almost dropped out of my chair. It actually has A LOT to do with Aaron. he obviously is not thinking about the other people that his actions affect.

    he also seems to be blaming the packers for the timeliness of the events. i dont see that as only the packers fault. Where is his share of the blame. He really is telling the public that the Packers have it in for him and making the organization seem pretty evil and spiteful.

    when asked if he would compete for the starting job "Why" is the response. well, because you signed a contract with your employer. because you retired. Because the Packers moved on and named a starting QB when you were not on the team. because you now want to play again and take away something that you let go. that is why you need to prove yourself and commitment to the team and organization.

  11. I'm remaining as faithful to this original quotes as my memory will allow:

    Greta: Are you 100% committed to playing football this season?

    Brett: Where - I don't know? But...

    Greta: But you're 100% committed to playing football this season?

    Brett: Right.

    I know that this had to strike some of you with the same impact that I felt.

    I came away from Part 1 with a much better feeling than I did Part 2. Watching that last night, all I kept thinking was, "This is about Brett Favre, this is all about Brett Favre."

  12. I didn't see any of the Fox interviews until late last night when I streamed both Parts. I agree, Stack, that he didn't seem absolutely sure about whether or not he's 100%. Sort of...yeah, sure, like that Greta.

    I agree too with your earlier comment that no single man is bigger than the team. It seems like Brett's trying to serve his interests by dividing the organization, players, and fans. Ultimately though - in time - divisions will work themselves out.

  13. Men,

    I've really enjoyed the chatting. Thanks for the buzz & the passion. It shows me that the G-Force is alive and the G-Force is well.

    In life, divorce usually ends in an ugly manner. In business, the termination of ones employment often ends in an unfriendly stance as well.

    Favre's views on Thompson do not surprise me. He feels entitled. He's disappointed that the Packers are not begging him to come back when in actuality, they've graciously extended a hand on more than one occasion.

    If Favre could convince me that he was 100% devoted, I'd welcome him back tomorrow. In the three day interview, he never gave me that commitment.

    Favre should realize that if Thompson would have taken over the reigns immediately post Ron Wolf, good ol' #4 would probably have another Super Bowl appearance.

    In 2 short years, Thompson has built a 4-12 team into a team that was 50 yards from a FG attempt to go to the Super Bowl. With this being said, how is it fair for Favre to say that he "cannot trust" Thompson.

    Favre should have never hesitated. We have an attractive environment. We are built for the future. The three time MVP failed to recognize this fact. He never should have retired.

    I've struggled to watch the last three days of interviews. Favre has come across as selfish. I've adored him as a football player and now I'm frowning on him as a person.

    And now - the tampering charges with the Vikings...this is sickening.

    Regardless of the above mentioned, I believe that all of the talk about this offseason tainting Favre's image is rubbish.

    Consider this:

    10 years ago, Michael Jordan was pushed out of Chicago. That, too, was ugly. MJ was vocal. He retired. Came back as a Wizard. Looked like an old man. But, when we talk Jordan, we talk MJ dominating the 90's.

    When I hear Franco Harris and discussions about his football career, I am told of the Immaculate Reception, the 4 Super Bowl titles, the punishing runner...not the man who rushed for less than 200 yards in his final a Seattle Seahawk.

    When I hear tales of Joe Namath, I am reminded of his Super Bowl guarantee and one of the greatest upsets in NFL history. Echoes of him partying on South Beach are shared. We rarely discuss that he finished with the Rams when he completed a mere 40% of his passes.

    Jerry Rice will be remembered for his greatness as a 49er. We will not recall the greatest WR in the history of the NFL actually getting BENCHED and eventually released by the Raiders...and then finishing the season with the Seahawks. He had 429 yards his final year.

    The legend of Johnny U tells of 16 terrific seasons with the Baltimore Colts. A heartbreaking defeat to the hands of Joe Namath. His record of 47 straight games with a TD...and leading his team to back-to-back Championships in the late 50's. We will not reminisce of the days in which he played for San Diego where he completed 44% of his passes, threw 3 TD's and 7 interceptions.

    Emmitt Smith has the most rushing yards in the history of the NFL. He did not finish his career in Dallas rather he closed his career in Arizona. In 2003, he rushed for 256 yards.

    Ronnie Lott finished his career as a Jet. He was a victim of Dan Marino to Mark Ingram. In 1994, he did not pick off a pass.

    Deion Sanders was old and slow as both a Redskin & a Raider.

    Hell, Reggie White was an old gray man for the Carolina Panthers in 2000.

    These are NFL Legends. In many cases, they are arguably the greatest to ever play their position. In no way, shape or form are any of their legacy's tainted.

    Today, it hurts. In time, this will be a blip on the radar.

  14. I can't believe you guys are quoting Chmura. I hear there are a bunch of 7th graders having a pool party down the road from me. If you want more quotes I'm sure he'll be in attendance.

  15. Chmura was acquitted on all charges, by the way.

  16. Chmura is a creep, convicted or not. Favre is being a baby. If he doesn't want to play for the Packers, then fuck em. He's the only way they reach the Super Bowl this season, however.

    Scott's right, as a Bulls fan who lived through the ordeal as an immature teenager, the hurt feelings and unanswered questions subsided rather quickly. It's just a game, and he's just a man...allegedly.

  17. As an outsider i'm kind of interested to know what you guys see/saw in the national media that is total BS...Is espn and giving information and viewpoints that are legit? Or are they dramatizing?

    S-Mac you mentioned to me a coupld of weeks ago that everyone was blowing things out of proportion, but considering the events of the last 10 or so days do you feel differently?

  18. Hey Chern, so was O.J. and Kobe. I'm sure the millions of dollars Chmura had had nothing to do with that verdict either.

    Back to Favre.

    This is some of the funniest shit I've ever seen. The same fans that were crying when he retired a few months ago are now hating on Favre.

    As far as the blame goes in this one? I blame the Packers both past and present. Why? Simple, they have tolerated this type of behavior out of Favre for the past 5 years. Were they really expecting anything less than what they are getting right now? McCarthy said he even predicted this when he were they not prepared for this type of reaction? Thompson said he will do what is best for the organization when it comes to this matter. If that's the case than why hasn't he welcomed Favre back with open arms? The name of the game is Super Bowls. And the Packers need Favre this year to accomplish that feat. How much do you want to bet that TT had a boner the day Favre announced his retirement? He probably had to call a doctor because he had an erection that lasted for longer than 4 hours.

    Face it, while both have played their part in this drama laced soap opera, the Packers need to get their heads out of their asses and either make him their starter or find a trade partner asap.

  19. Why do they have to trade him? I'm guessing they don't feel he's interested in being a why do him any favors?

    Favre is showing his true colors...probably won't matter in the end, but right now, he looks like a baby. If he were serious about playing for the Packers he should have no doubt that he'd win the job in about week once he went to camp.

  20. Guys we all know that you can't buy justice. Or superior health care. Or influence in Washington.

    Trotta weighing in, good to see. G-Force sucking you in the swirling abyss...

    Grammy, your viewpoint is startling. And I'm glad you shared it. Of course I was disappointed when Farve retired. I did not cry. In a situation involving two parties, it is hard to assign absolute blame to either side. Having said that, I think the lion's shame of the blame lies at Favre's feet. The Packers have tolerated Brett's retirement sideshow in the past, but they have always wanted him to return, and they have always allowed him to make his own decision. I have not seen where McCarthy predicted that this would happen, but I don't think the return from retirement was outside of anyone's imagination.

    I think the Packers were prepared for it, but not the way it happened. I think they were expecting Favre to come back, but I think they were expecting him to say "I'm coming back," not to put out feelers like phone calls to MM saying "I'm thinking about coming back."

    You read Farve's recounting of the visit from TT and Favre admits expecting TT to ask him to return. Favre describes that awkward quiet moment between the two of them where he felt like something was coming. To me, that sums it up. TT is looking at Favre to step forward and be a man, and he's given him the opportunities to express that. Favre is letting things happen to him. Favre is a passenger in his own car.

    And now Favre is dredging up the names of Randy Moss, Mike Wahle, Marco Rivera, and Steve Mariucci. Things that happened one, two, or three years ago. He's waging a war of public opinion against TT and the Packer organization. Has he been holding on to these things the whole time? Has he ever said anything to Ted about it? While is it coming out in the media now and not then?

    But that's my interpretation. That's speculation. You ask why TT doesn't welcome him back. I would say that aside from Farve's attempts to portray TT and the Packers in a negative light, there is the whole issue about having a player on your team who might not want to be there. Brett Farve, great football player, no doubt. Still one of the best in the league at his position. But he can't say that he is 100% committed to playing football this year. He hasn't said it. He couldn't say it to Van Susteren when she asked that exact question. In fact, he says quite the opposite, he says that he might not play anywhere this coming year.

    If you're coming back, is it too much to ask that you be committed to coming back?

    If and when Farve is able to say convincingly that he is 100% committed to playing football this year, then I'd consider opening my arms.

    Super Bowls are the name of the game. The Packers may not get to one without Brett Favre, but Brett Favre probably won't get to one without the Packers.

  21. Now that I think about it and I read up on a few things I might be wavering in my opinion. There never really was one point in time where Favre came out and said, "I want to come back and play." And when he did he never said, "I want to start again for the GB Packers."

    Favre has dug himself a ditch that will be hard to climb out of. At the same time I still find it hard to believe the Packers have dealt with the situation as poorly as they have. It's like listening to a couple of 5th grade girls have a war of words.

    It's a state divided right now and I apologize if I find it amusing.

  22. Been a long tim Stack...and yes, the G-Farce has brought me in.

    Grammy, Scott chided me a day or two ago for allegedly taking pleasure in my friend's pain for extracting a certain level of enjoyment out of this fiasco. But as I told him, it's not that I enjoy seeing loved ones upset, it's that for years I've heard the platitudes of how "special" Brett was...everyman with the Golden Arm and so on and so forth. In the end, you see, he's a man like any other...he has flaws and inadequacies just like most people. Just so happens he was an incredible talent on the football field. So, I don't take pleasure in the fan's pain, but I do take pleasure in welcoming in the emergence of a brave new world where Favre is human, and maybe, just maybe, the feet of the G-Farce faithful are just a little closer to the ground today.

  23. Michael J.-

    It's not so much that I find it amusing that my friends are pissed and disappointed. It's the other jokers that I've had to deal with day in and day out for the past 15 years. Like the Religion teacher that punched me in the stomach for wearing a Cowboys jersey, or the cook at SNC that told me the Bears would never beat the Packers again (and he was dead serious), or everyone that has a Brett Favre tattoo on their arm, not a Packers tattoo, but a Favre tattoo. Those are the people I'm amused with.

    That and the fact that there are reports now that the Vikings purposely tampered with Favre to upset the Packer organization...looking from the outside in, how can you not be amused with this whole story?

  24. Taken from

    This is from the middle of an article talking about how the Bears shouldn't pass up the opportunity to get Favre.
    Conventional wisdom also suggests there's no way Thompson would trade Favre within the division but, again, there has been nothing conventional or wise about the way the Packers' GM has conducted business lately. What has backup Aaron Rodgers ever done to justify enough confidence that Thompson treats a Hall of Fame quarterback with possibly two good years left like football flotsam?

    The same ego that convinced Thompson his brain was more significant to the Packers' winning than Favre's right arm—is he following the Jerry Krause manual for sports executives?—might tempt him to accept the best trade offer regardless of the partner. It's up to the Bears to make that one offer Thompson cannot refuse.

  25. I've been thinking about MJ this entire time. Very similar. Great point, that in many of those cases, what do you remember? I have a sinking feeling that 1-2 years in Minnesota will be forgotten. Anyone see the report in JS this morning that Brett has been using a Packer owned phone to call Childress? And the pack pulled the call logs? I keep repeating Chico's "first-girlfriend" analogy to people and this just struck me as sickly hilarious. Like a jealous old girlfriend looking at your call log to make sure you are not calling anyone new.

    I don't buy that the only way the pack reaches the superbowl is with #4.

    Gram, that Chicago atricle is pure crap. As I hope you could tell. . . i really just don't buy, watching the interview, or seeing timelines TT or MM not giving brett every reasonable chance to come back post-retirement. brett pretty much admits it.

  26. I have to argue the comparison to MJ, Joe Montana, Jerry Rice and the similar people, retiring, coming back and going to other teams. I do realize that Brett will be remembered as Packer, no doubt. But i dont remember any of the these professionals calling their team managers liars, being so selfish and acting like a 16 year old. maybe we did not know all of the happenings behind the scenes in the other ordeals. It was nice of Brett to make sure everyone knows the "truth" least his side of it.
