Sunday, April 27, 2008

Draft Recap

Greetings, G-Force.

I am excited about Ted Thompson's approach to the 2008 Draft. Thompson wanted play makers on offense. He went after his guys and he got them. He added competition at WR, QB, CB, TE, and DE. This draft was about finalizing our roster and then building depth and competition. He went with athletes at the front of the draft and went fishing for offensive depth to finish the draft.

While watching the draft, I wanted Thompson to either trade down and out of the first round or I wanted to draft a WR. I was hoping for either Thomas, Jackson or Sweed. Jordy Nelson surprised me. I like having Nelson as a Packer, but I thought that we could get him much later. But, if you like a guy enough, why wait? Obviously, Nelson was the guy that Thompson wanted. He traded down to accumulate a pick and he still got his guy. As an interesting stat: Nelson stands 6'2 5/8" and weighs 217 lbs. By comparison, Terrell Owens stands 6'3" and weighs 223. Roy Williams stands 6'2" and weighs 220 lbs. Additionally, while he ran a 4.51 40 at the combine, video shows him running away from Aqib Talib, the Bucs 1st round pick, when they are both in the open field. At the combine, Talib ran a 4.45.

In the second round, I wanted Slaton. I was hopeful. I understand the Brian Brohm pick, but I do not love it. I don't believe that he's a fit for the system. He's a good pocket passer. He's intelligent. He's got solid awareness and a strong arm. He's accurate. But, he's immobile, which will limit his production in our current system. Nonetheless, Thompson got his guy. Thompson said that he was considering Brohm in the 1st round at #30. Personally, I would have rather had Kevin O'Connell in Round 3.

With the other second round pick, the Packers needed corner. They got one in Patrick Lee. Lee has the build and speed to make it in Green Bay. I like the pick. I'm excited to see him perform.

Before the 3rd round started, I sent my good friend, Stack, a text message. I wrote "Slaton, Charles, Zbikowski, C. Jackson, Schmitt, Hillis, Rucker, J. Finley, DE, OL." All were available to start the 3rd round and by the time we were eligible, only Schmitt, Hillis, Rucker, and Finley were available. I'm excited to have Finley. 6'4" 243 lbs. Big. Athletic. Great hands. Not afraid of contact. Great run after the catch. Welcome to Green Bay, "J-Mike." Watch these videos and judge for yourself:

And for an even better buzz, read this article which was dated February 21, 2008:

No doubt, "J-Mike" will add a nice dimension to the Packers offense.

In my mock draft, I suggested that I'd be open to Jeremy Thompson becoming our 3rd round pick. I was happy to see Thompson trade up to get him. I've been drawn to Thompson over the last 4-5 days. His name kept showing up in front of me. I was getting signs that Thompson would be a part of the Packers draft. He's mobile in space. He's got a great build. He's seems aggressive. And apparently, he's got football & body growth ahead of him. He's a solid 4th round pick.

Josh Sitton and Breno Giacomini add depth, competition, toughness and attitude to our offensive line.

I also liked watching Ted Thompson work his magic and accumulate 7th round draft picks. Before the 7th round, I thought that the Packers were positioned for success. We had options. I thought that Peyton Hillis would have provided versatility and an upgrade at FB. I wanted the Packers to also consider a RB such as Cory Boyd. A third-round specialist back or a speed back would have been a desired addition. I also thought the Packers should think about a small school S such as Bobbie Williams. Stack and I discussed the possibility of drafting a QB and living in a world like we did in the early 90's with Favre, Brunell and Detmer. But, ultimately, Ted Thompson had positioned himself to select the best player available.

I like the Matt Flynn pick. Not because I think that Flynn is going to be a great NFL QB, but I like Flynn because he's going to compete every day. He's a fighter. He's tenacious. He's been a winner. He's been a leader. He's been a champion. He's a good guy to bring into our program as we continue to mature in a young locker room environment.

Brett Swain has the build that you look for in a WR. Statistically, he showed a knack for making the big play at the collegiate level. Here is a link in which you can see him score 3 TD's in the 1st half of a game. While the video is over 7 minutes long, you can see his TD's in the first 4:35 seconds of the video. But, I would suggest that you cue up the video to 5:45 seconds and watch the rest of it. It'd be approximately 90 seconds of good Swain video. He's wearing #16.

Overall, I'm happy with the draft. Jordy & J-Mike will add excitement to our offense. Thompson and Lee will add energy and athleticism to our defense. We've added depth & competition at OL and QB. We took a chance on a WR from San Diego State and we added a pick for next year. Expect to see the Packers sign a number of players as undrafted free agents.


J-Mike for a 1st down,

Talkin' S-Mac.


  1. Scotty I agree, I think the Pack had a pretty good draft. Slaton would have definitly been nice for you guys but they did well overall. A long way away from the horrible pick of Ahmad Carrol.

    Tell me something, you say the Brohm pick is suspicious because of the system. With #4 gone do you think the system changes at all? What is their offensive system exactly in words, and maybe the offensive coaches will look tailor the system to Rodgers/Brohm? After all, a good coach should revise his system to get the best out of his players. Enlighten me S-Mac.

  2. Good draft, I'll share some comments at some point, but I wanted to get on with our undrafted free agents...

    Marcus Riley - LB - Fresno State
    Nothing stunning in terms of awards or accolades, but the guy can run...

    You're going to want to learn how and when to slide...

    He's overpursuing at a bit here, and the camera goes to #24, but it looks like #31 is the guy bringin the wood to me...

  3. Never too early to compare a white WR to T.O and Chad Johnson!

  4. Grammy,

    You're right. Let the comparisons size begin. You're also right that Chad Johnson is a big NFL WR target. So, in order to give the reader and idea of just how big Jordy Nelson is, I offer you this:

    Chad Johnson - 6-1 192
    Jordy Nelson - 6-2 5/8 217

    In 2001, Chad Johnson ran a 4.54 at the NFL Combine. (

    In 2008, Jordy Nelson ran a 4.51 at the NFL Combine.

  5. Joseph,

    While McCarthy has implemented his own version of the West Coast offense, it still has common ingredients of a West Coast offense. I've always felt that one of the major components of a successful West Coast QB was his ability to throw on the run. Think Favre, Young, Montana. All were terrific on the play action roll-out. This was not Brohm's strength in college.

    Enter Mike McCarthy.

    Hopefully, McCarthy can improve Brohm's weaknesses. McCarthy takes pride in his ability to develop QB's. Brohm has the arm to make it in the NFL, but thus far, he's shown me that he's almost strictly a pocket passer.

    I disagree with your statement that "after all, a good coach should revise his system to get the best out of players." Think about Bill Belichick. He finds players that fits into his system. Look at the WR's of the Packers in the 90's: Brooks, Freeman, Rison. All were solid players for us because they fit into our system. Derrick Mayes had potential to play in the NFL, but he did not fit into what we do and fell off the face of the Earth. What was the difference between Freeman & Mayes? I'd argue that one fit into the system and the other did not.

    I believe that you find players that fit your system. You don't develop your system around your players.


    Talkin' S-Mac.

  6. Stack,

    Great research on Marcus Riley. I'm stoked to see him in a Green & Gold uniform.

    A few good notes:

    Jordy Nelson is wearing #87.
    J-Mike is wearing #88.
    Jeremy Thompson is wearing #99.
    Patrick Lee is wearing #22.
    Brian Brohm is wearing #11.
    Matt Flynn is wearing #10.
    Brett Swain is wearing #16.


  8. Is Jordy Nelson going to get a fat grill like Chad Johnson?

  9. Size comparisons mean very little, Scottie. It's always fun to be excited about your 1st pick in the draft (unless you're the Browns and it comes in the 30th round). So I have nothing against you comparing Nelson to Johnson if that excites you. But don't get too excited about his size.

    For example, Bears 7th round pick...Marcus Monk.

    height 6'4"
    weight 222 lbs.
    40 time: combine 4.56
    pro day 4.41
    vertical: combine 34 1/2
    pro day 36

    This equates to a 7th round pick.
