Monday, October 1, 2007

After One Quarter...

Undefeated in September. Having fun. United. Defining of a team.

A massive applause is due for McCarthy. The team has a winning attitude. A bounce in their step. And once again, the Packers are playing for the love of the game.

Each week, it's been someone new making the game changing play. Week 1, it's J-Bush forcing a fumble in which Tracy White wrestles the ball for 6 points. It's Barnett picking off a pass. Johnny Jolly knocking down passes. It's J-Bush fighting for the loose ball at the bottom of the pile which sets up Mason Crosby's game winning FG.

Week 2, it's Favre simply being Brett connecting with 8 different receivers. Ryan Grant set's up our first score. DeShawn Wynn finds a seam in the Giants defense. Korey Hall catches two screen passes for first downs that set up a Bubba Franks TD. Donald Lee and Donald Driver find the end zone as well. Tramon Williams shifts field position into the Packers favor. Charlie Peprah causes a fumble, which Tracy White recovers. Corey Williams picks off a pass.

Week 3, it's Favre again being Brett as he connects with 8 receivers again. Pitch and catch with Driver, Franks, and Greg Jennings catching TD passes. Driver tops 100 yards. It's KGB with 1.5 sacks and Nick Barnett sealing the game with the interception that sets up a Brandon Jackson TD.

Week 4, it's Favre, once again, being Brett! #4 finds 10 different receivers. Spreading the defense. Ruvell Martin gets down the field. Jennings finds paydirt for #421. James Jones gets the first TD of his NFL career. Crosby drills 3 FG's. Jon Ryan elusively sidesteps Viking tacklers. Ryan Pickett plays his best game with 5 tackles and his first sack of the season. KGB steps up with 2 more sacks. Kampman makes his presence felt with continuous pressure. He also recorded a sack. Cullen Jenkins knocks down two passes that get us off the field. Atari Bigby forces a fumble that Johnny Jolly picks up. Bigby also clinches the game with an interception.

Each week - it's someone new. It's a different player. It's a team game. We've operated as a team. Our leaders have led. The team has responded.

We are not without weakness. Offensively, we must learn to run the ball. As the weather turns, we'll have to be able to pick up yardage via the ground. I'm not asking for us to become a stellar running team. I'm just looking for us to become average. Why is Michael Turner dying on the SD bench right now? Shouldn't he be running for the Green & Gold right now? What does it cost? We'll give up a 4th rounder and Colin Cole - do we have a deal?

Defensively, the deep ball scares me. Teams are getting us in man-to-man coverage and the safety has been late. We've dodged bullets a couple of times this year and remain vulnerable. We must make this defensive adjustment immediately.

On Special Teams, while Chuckie has done an admirable job of catching the football and running forward without losing possession, I think that Willie B. provides an electric dynamic that we are missing on special teams. He has game breaking potential. We need to get rid of the cast and get the youngster returning punts and changing games for us.

We're 4-0 with room for improvement. My Take comes tomorrow.

Trod On, G-Force!


Talkin' S-Mac.


  1. Good observations.. I get in frequent conversations w/ dolphins fans who keep on thinking brett should have retired and that this won't last.. I emphatically disagree and this isn't just the fan in me talking.. Favre got surgery in the offseason..something he put off for a long time b/c he kept thinking he was going to retire.. Now it's done and the guy is able to put greater pressure on the foot thus giving him a much sweeter throw.. Couple that w/ another year under McCarthy, a guy who wont budge, to favre..something Sherman failed at.. Something Holmgren excelled at and they won a super bowl together.. Favre is back to playing championship level football w/ more knowledge of the game and better use of his body.. I never thought Favre could be mentioned in the MVP race again...And i know it's early but just saying. Take away Favre and the packers are maybe 2-2... Brady has the ghetto blaster to throw to...Manning has two pro bowl rcvrs.. Favre is throwing to anybody that will listen and can run a route.. Enough rambing.. but how about Gaines Adams gets his first sack this sunday..and it just happens to dislocate mannings right shoulder in the process..

    ROLL PACK!!!!

  2. No question that McCarthy and Favre have an epic chemistry. And James Jones' TD catch was truly sensational. All with the hands. Down the sideline. Fluid.
